Overview of Services

A sad but essential present day reality is the need to develop a comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy. Unfortunately, many business (including numerous Fortune 500 companies) don’t realize this need until they’ve already suffered a critical data breach. As if the operational hurdles of recovering from a breach weren’t enough, the media has taken to the situation like never before, with stories of cyberattacks making national headlines and severely damaging the reputations of otherwise well-liked corporations.

Fortunately, there’s an answer to these risks: UDUSA’s Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. Our team includes an expert Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) that will assess your business from the top down, generating a comprehensive Risk Report in the process. As with our On-Demand CIO services, the report you’ll receive is customized just for your business, with easy-to-understand recommendations and specific steps for resolving issues.

Contact us now for more information about our Cybersecurity Risk Assessment.